It's #ScratchWeek 2024!

It's #ScratchWeek 2024!

Posted by micro:bit on 9th May 2024

FREE micro:bit & Scratch linked activities for you to participate in and get learners coding ?

It's #ScratchWeek 2024, a fantastic time to get kids (and adults!) excited about coding! And what better way to do that than with the fun and interactive combination of Scratch and micro:bit?

Scratch, the free programming language and online community, lets you create incredible games, animations, and more. micro:bit is a tiny computer with sensors and LEDs that you can program to interact with the real world. Together, they're a powerful duo for bringing your coding creations to life!

This Scratch Week, there's a treasure trove of free resources to get you started. Head over to Scratch and search for "microbit" to find a whole collection of projects [Scratch microbit projects].

These projects will guide you through everything you need to know, from making your micro:bit display messages to creating games you can control with buttons. It's a fantastic way to learn the basics of coding and see the results in a tangible way.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Scratch and micro:bit this Scratch Week and unleash your creativity!